Francqui Chair 2012-2013 :
Dans le cadre d’une Chaire Francqui, Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)
donnera une série de leçons sur la logique mathématique, les automates
et les jeux, à l’UMONS.
La leçon inaugurale aura lieu le jeudi 18 avril 2013 à partir de 17h ;
les leçons sont réparties sur deux journées : les vendredi 26 avril et
3 mai 2013.
La participation est gratuite, mais l’inscription est obligatoire
notamment pour les lunchs des 26 avril et 3 mai.
Renseignements et inscription sur :
Professor Wolfgang Thomas holds the Francqui Chair 2012-2013 at the
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, UMONS. Wolfgang
Thomas is Full Professor of Computer Science at RWTH Aachen (Germany).
His main research interest is the development of automata theory as a
framework for modeling, analyzing, verifying and synthesizing systems.
Logic and Automata : Fundamentals and Perspectives
Inaugural lecture
Thursday, April 18, 2013
[17:00-17:30] Welcome
[17:30-19:00] Logic, Algorithms, and Automata : A Historical Journey
[19:00] Reception
Francqui lecture series
Friday, April 26, 2013 : Monadic Theories
[10:00-11:00] Results of the Golden 1960’s Revisited
[11:00-11:30] Coffee Break
[11:30-12:30] Prefix Rewriting and the Pushdown Hierarchy
[12:30-14:00] Lunch
[14:00-15:00] The Composition Method
[15:00-15:30] Coffee Break
[15:30-16:30] Undecidability Results
Friday, May 3, 2013 : Games
[10:00-11:00] The Fundamental Results on Infinite Two-Person Games
[11:00-11:30] Coffee Break
[11:30-12:30] Strategies in a Logical Setting
[12:30-14:00] Lunch
[14:00-15:00] Concepts of Strategy
[15:00-15:30] Coffee Break
[15:30-16:30] Winning Infinite Games in Finite Time
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