Hugues Vermeiren a réalisé une magnifique présentation pour expliquer les sections de cubes. Nous tenions à vous en faire profiter.
Réalisé avec LaTeX au format BEAMER et utilisant les librairies PGF/TIKZ.
% under Creative Commons attribution license.
% A work by Hugues Vermeiren
\title{Construction de sections planes}
\subtitle{Cours de 4ème Année \scriptsize{$5\,hrs/sem$}}
\author{Hugues Vermeiren}
\institute[UREM-ULB]{UREM de Bruxelles}
\section{Sections de Cube}
% A standard viewpoint (default is x=(1,0) y=(0,1) z=(-sqrt(2)/2,-sqrt(2)/2))
% x={(-0.5cm,-0.3cm)},
% y={(1cm,0cm)},
% z={(0cm,1cm)},
% Another viewpoint...
\pgfmathparse{0.03} \let\ptsize\pgfmathresult
%Cube vertices
\coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
\coordinate (I) at (1,0,0);
\coordinate (J) at (0,1,0);
\coordinate (K) at (0,0,1);
\coordinate (A) at (1,1,0);
\coordinate (A2) at (1,1,-1);
\coordinate (B) at (1,1,1);
\coordinate (D) at (1,0,1);
\coordinate (D2) at (1,-1,1);
\coordinate (C) at (0,1,1);
\coordinate (C2) at (0,3.5,1);
\coordinate (I2) at (1.75,0,0);
\coordinate (J2) at (0,1.75,0);
\coordinate (K2) at (0,0,1.75);
%Intermediate points
\coordinate (X1) at (.5,1,1);
\coordinate (X2) at (.75,0,1);
\coordinate (X3) at (1,1,-0.5);
\coordinate (X4) at (1,{1/3},0);
\coordinate (X5) at (1,0,0.25);
%Section points
\coordinate (R) at (0,3,1);
\coordinate (S) at (1,-1,1);
\coordinate (T) at ({5/6},1,0);
%Draw cube
\draw (I)--(A)--(B)--(D)--cycle;
\draw (B)--(C)--(J)--(A);
\draw (C)--(K)--(D);
\draw[dashed] (O)--(I);
\draw[dashed] (O)--(J);
\draw[dashed] (O)--(K);
%Draw axes
\draw[->] (I)--(I2) node[below left]{$x$};
\draw[->] (J)--(J2) node[right]{$y$};
\draw[->] (K)--(K2) node[above left]{$z$};
%Draw cube vertices
\fill[MyPoints] (A) circle (\ptsize) node[below left]{$A$};
\fill[MyPoints] (B) circle (\ptsize) node[above]{$B$};
\fill[MyPoints] (C) circle (\ptsize) node[above right]{$C$};
\fill[MyPoints] (D) circle (\ptsize) node[below left]{$D$};
\fill[MyPoints] (O) circle (\ptsize) node[above left]{$O$};
\fill[MyPoints] (I) circle (\ptsize) node[above left]{$I$};
\fill[MyPoints] (J) circle (\ptsize) node[above right]{$J$};
\fill[MyPoints] (K) circle (\ptsize) node[above left]{$K$};
% %Draw the cube vertices if you don't care about label placement
% \foreach \i in {O,I,J,K,A,B,C,D}
% \fill[MyPoints] (\i) circle (\ptsize) node[right]{$\i$};
\fill[DataPoints] (R) circle (\ptsize) node[above right,red]{$R$};
\fill[DataPoints] (S) circle (\ptsize) node[above right,red]{$S$};
\fill[DataPoints] (T) circle (\ptsize) node[below right,red]{$T$};
\draw[dashed] (C)--(C2);
\draw[dashed] (D)--(D2);
\draw[green] (-0.25,4,1)--(1.25,-2,1);%Two points far away on line SR
\fill[DataPoints] (R) circle (\ptsize) node[above right,red]{$R$};
\fill[DataPoints] (S) circle (\ptsize) node[above right,red]{$S$};
\fill[NewPoints] (X1) circle (\ptsize) node[above,green]{\scriptsize{$U$}};
\fill[NewPoints] (X2) circle (\ptsize) node[above,green]{\scriptsize{$V$}};
\draw[green] ({1/3},1,1.5)--({13/12},1,-0.75);%Two points far away on line X1T
\fill[NewPoints] (X1) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[DataPoints] (T) circle (\ptsize) node[below right,red]{$T$};
\draw[dashed] (A)--(A2);
\fill[NewPoints] (X3) circle (\ptsize) node[below right,green]{\scriptsize{$W$}};
\draw[green] (1,-1.5,{11/8})--(1,{5/4},{-11/16});%Two points far away on line SX3
\fill[DataPoints] (S) circle (\ptsize) node[above right,red]{$S$};
\fill[NewPoints] (X3) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[NewPoints] (X4) circle (\ptsize)node[above right,green]{\scriptsize{$P$}};
\fill[NewPoints] (X5) circle (\ptsize)node[above right,green]{\scriptsize{$Q$}};
\draw[red,thick] (X2)--(X1);
\fill[NewPoints] (X1) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[NewPoints] (X2) circle (\ptsize);
\draw[red,thick] (X1)--(T);
\fill[NewPoints] (X1) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[DataPoints] (T) circle (\ptsize) node[below right,red]{$T$};
\draw[red,thick] (T)--(X4);
\fill[DataPoints] (T) circle (\ptsize) node[below right,red]{$T$};
\fill[NewPoints] (X4) circle (\ptsize);
\draw[red,thick] (X4)--(X5);
\fill[NewPoints] (X4) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[NewPoints] (X5) circle (\ptsize);
\draw[red,thick] (X5)--(X2);
\fill[NewPoints] (X5) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[NewPoints] (X2) circle (\ptsize);
%Draw the section of the cube
\fill[thick,draw=blue,fill=blue!25!] (T)--(X1)--(X2)--(X5)--(X4)--cycle;
%ReDraw cube
\draw (I)--(A)--(B)--(D)--cycle;
\draw (B)--(C)--(J)--(A);
\draw (C)--(K)--(D);
\draw[dashed] (O)--(I);
\draw[dashed] (O)--(J);
\draw[dashed] (O)--(K);
%ReDraw cube vertices
\fill[MyPoints] (A) circle (\ptsize) node[below left]{$A$};
\fill[MyPoints] (B) circle (\ptsize) node[above]{$B$};
\fill[MyPoints] (C) circle (\ptsize) node[above right]{$C$};
\fill[MyPoints] (D) circle (\ptsize) node[below left]{$D$};
\fill[MyPoints] (O) circle (\ptsize) node[above left]{$O$};
\fill[MyPoints] (I) circle (\ptsize) node[above left]{$I$};
\fill[MyPoints] (J) circle (\ptsize) node[above right]{$J$};
\fill[MyPoints] (K) circle (\ptsize) node[above left]{$K$};
%ReDraw axes
\draw[->] (I)--(I2) node[below left]{$x$};
\draw[->] (J)--(J2) node[right]{$y$};
\draw[->] (K)--(K2) node[above left]{$z$};
%Redraw some points
\fill[NewPoints] (X1) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[NewPoints] (X2) circle (\ptsize);
\fill[NewPoints] (X4) circle (\ptsize)node[above right,green]{\scriptsize{$P$}};
\fill[NewPoints] (X5) circle (\ptsize)node[above right,green]{\scriptsize{$Q$}};
\fill[DataPoints] (T) circle (\ptsize) node[below right,red]{$T$};
\only<1>{Voici un cube!}
\only<2>{$R$ est sur la droite $(KC)$,
$S$ est sur la droite $(BD)$,
$T$ est sur l'arête $[AJ]$.\\
Construire la section du cube par le plan $RST$.
\only<3>{La droite $(RS)$ est dans le plan de la face supérieure.\\
Elle coupe donc les arêtes $[BC]$ et $[DK]$ respectivement en $U$ et $V$.
\only<4>{La droite $(UT)$ est dans la face $BCJA$...
... et coupe la droite $(AB)$ en $W$.
La droite $SW$ est dans le plan de la face $IABD$.\\
Elle coupe les arêtes $[IA]$, $[ID]$ respectivement en $P$ et $Q$.
La section du cube est donc le polygone (plan) $VUTPQ$
C'est un pentagone.\\
Le plan de section coupe toutes les faces du cube sauf la face $OJCK$.
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