ᔥ : Alex Bellos sur Twitter :
Une nouvelle manière d’être parent qui nous vient des Etats-Unis : lire un problème de math à votre enfant avant qu’il/elle aille au lit.
ᔥ : Article du New York Times : Goodnight, Moon. Goodnight, Math Problem.
« Ms. Overdeck’s own children adored the nightly problems, and earlier this year, she introduced “Bedtime Math.” Each nightly problem (which you can receive by e-mail, or read on the site) offers a question for “wee ones (counting on fingers),” and little or big kids. They’re meant to be solved in their heads, and to promote both giggles and mathematical thought. »
ᔥ : Bedtime math problem to share : http://bedtimemathproblem.org/
« Get a new math problem to share with your kids every day ! »
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