Le journal The Guardian héberge désormais le Newton Channel sur lequel sont postées des vidéos scientifiques de 15 minutes.
Marcus du Sautoy, professeur de mathématiques à l’Université d’Oxford et vulgarisateur de très grand talent vient d’inaugurer la série
qui comporte trois vidéos à ce jour :
Lucky numbers : Marcus du Sautoy explains the mathematics of chance - video
Image from Patterns Nature Lucky Numbers Video (14min 22sec), 5 Apr 2012 :
The Oxford mathematician introduces the everyday maths of probability, including why the casino always wins at roulette and how to maximise your chances of scooping a fortune in a lottery
There’s safety in numbers, says Marcus du Sautoy - video
Newton - Patterns Nature Safety in Numbers Video (14min 22sec), 5 Apr 2012 :
The Oxford mathematician explains codes and how they’ve become crucial to our modern, digital lives
Marcus du Sautoy counts from zero to infinity - video
Video (14min 13sec), 5 Apr 2012 :
The Oxford mathematician takes us on a journey through the history of numbers, including the invention of zero and the taming of infinity
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