Le film japonais
a obtenu le prix Pierre-Gilles de Gennes lors du Festival Pariscience 2010 (Festival International du film scientifique)
Le prix Pierre-Gilles de Gennes est attribué par le CNRS à un film traitant de la recherche et visant à diffuser la connaissance scientifique grâce à un scenario original. Il gratifie €3,000 à son auteur.
2, 3, 5, 7, 11… Behind the seemingly random sequence of prime numbers, mathematicians have long suspected a profound order. The key to solving this puzzle may be the Riemann Hypothesis. The Riemann Hypothesis is every math phobic’s worst nightmare, yet it is one of the great unsolved problems of mathematics. Many math geniuses have tried and failed to unravel the mystery behind the distribution of prime numbers that can only be divided by 1 and itself.
Recent studies point to a link between primes and the physical laws that govern the natural world.
This program follows the stories of the geniuses who have been captivated by the mystique of primes, and their dramatic attempts to crack what many believe to be the Creator’s code for the universe.
On peut voir un extrait de ce film à partir du lien ci-dessous
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