article publié sur le blog sparsity :
International Francqui Chair 2009-2010 : Prof. Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University)
(Auditorium QD, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel)
Discrete differential geometry and measuring similarity between surfaces
Two-dimensional surfaces play an important role in a wide range of fields, from Toy Story to complex material interfaces and your brain cortex. To recognize and classify objects, or to detect changes, it is useful to quantify how similar two surfaces are, i.e. to define a "similarity metric" on the set of two-dimensional surfaces in three-dimensional space that makes mathematical sense and is easy to compute. This talk will illustrate work by Yaron Lipman and the speaker that uses discrete differential geometry (no---it is not an oxymoron !) to tackle this question, and will showcase an application to lemur dentistry.
Download : Poster (A2)
If you come by car you need to scan this bar code (pdf) at entrance 6 or 13 of the campus to open the gate (scanner under intercom).
Mathematics meets Fine Arts : analyzing paintings with image processing tools
March 1st 2010 (time to be announced). Universiteit Gent, Jozef Plateauzaal, Jozef Plateaustraat 22, 9000 Gent
Independent component analysis and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
March 15th, 2010 (time to be announced). UCLouvain, Auditoire Science 02.
ULB : To be announced ...
Francqui Foundation :
The Francqui Foundation’s objective is "to further the development of higher education and scientific research in Belgium". Each year, the Francqui Foundation decides on the attribution of "Interuniversitary Foreign Francqui Chairs" to invite a scientist for a six month sabbatical at a Belgian University (in partnership with other universities).
Inviting universities :
The present Francqui consortium consists of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (host institution), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Université Catholique de Louvain and Universiteit Gent.
Contact :
Dr. Ignace Loris (VUB)
Prof. Christine De Mol (ULB)
Prof. Aleksandra Pizurica (UGent)
Prof. Benoit Macq (UCLouvain)
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