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Publié : 3 janvier 2009

ICMI-News n° 7 : décembre 2008

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ICMI News 7 : December 2008

A Bimonthly Email Newsletter from the ICMI-International Commission on Mathematical Instruction
Editor : Jaime Carvalho e Silva, Dep. Matematica, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

- 1. Editorial : ICMI News - first anniversary
- 2. In memoriam --- André Revuz
- 3. Two new ICMI Study volumes now available
- 4. Purchasing the NISS volumes : how to obtain the ICMI discount
- 5. Latest news about PME Newsletters
- 6. Announcement of New Journal and Call for Papers
- 7. Second Announcement and Call for Papers for Dresden 2009 Conference
- 8. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education : inaugural issue
- 9. Calendar of Events of Interest to the ICMI Community
- 10. Subscribing to ICMI News

1. Editorial : ICMI News - first anniversary

ICMI News was launched in December 2007 and its Editor, Jaime Carvalho e Silva, then asked me to write the first editorial. Since that time, ICMI News has appeared regularly every two months, disseminating information about current activities of ICMI and of its Affiliated Study Groups, about events of interest to the mathematics education community, providing also some snapshots on the history of ICMI. The number of subscriptions regularly increased, being now of 1042, and for extending the outreach of ICMI News beyond the sole audience of English speakers, non-English versions are progressively being made accessible, in the image of the Portuguese version launched by the Portuguese ICMI Sub-Commission. Today, one year after the publication of the first issue, additional efforts must be made in order to have ICMI News reach all those potentially interested in ICMI activities, but a significant step has already been achieved, and I would like to thank all those who have contributed in making this project of the ICMI Executive Committee become reality.

The year 2008 has been for ICMI an exceptional year, with the celebration of its centennial at the Academia dei Lincei in Roma in March ; the ICME-11 congress taking place for the first time in Latin-America in Monterrey (Mexico) in July ; the satellite conferences of two of its Affiliated Study Groups, PME and HPM, in Morelia and Mexico City ; the completion of ICMI Studies 15 and 16 (on teacher education and development and on challenging mathematics) through the publication of the Study volumes ; the conference of the joint ICMI-IASE Study 18 on statistics education ; the launching of the joint ICMI-ICIAM Study 20 on educational interfaces between mathematics and industry and of ICMI Study 21 on the teaching and learning of mathematics in multilingual contexts ; the design of the joint ICMI-IMU Klein project whose ambition is to revisit Felix Klein’s seminal reflection on mathematical knowledge for teaching in the light of mathematical, technological and educational advances ; and for the first time in ICMI history the election of the next ICMI Executive by the General Assembly of ICMI. But nothing would have been possible without the thousands of members of the ICMI community who have engaged in these activities and ensured their success, and I would like to express here the deepest gratitude of the ICMI Executive to all those who have contributed to the recent actions of ICMI.

At the time when ICMI is entering the second century of its life, I am deeply convinced that, thanks to the commitment, expertise and diversity of the community it gathers, thanks to the values of collaboration and exchange it relies on, ICMI can and must play a major role for addressing the challenges faced today by mathematics education worldwide. In 2009, within the ICMI EC, we will go on trying to do our best for progressing in that direction and for making our vision for mathematics education become reality.
With my best wishes for the New Year,
Michèle Artigue, President of ICMI, artigue@math.jussieu.fr

2. In memoriam --- André Revuz

André Revuz, who has been a member of the Executive Committee of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) at the time of the Presidency of Hans Freudenthal (1967-1970), and certainly one of his closest collaborators in that EC, passed away on October 27th. Beyond his role in ICMI at a crucial time of its history --- when the necessity of considering mathematics education as a genuine field of research and practice emerged, when the first ICME Congress in Lyon in 1969 was organized and the journal "Educational Studies in Mathematics" created --- André Revuz has played a major role in mathematics education in France. All along his life, he has put his remarkable energy and talent at the service of mathematics education, deeply convinced that mathematics could be and had to be made accessible to all students. Strongly engaged in the New Math movement, member of the "Commission Lichnerowicz" in charge of curricular reform, he became soon convinced of the crucial role played by teacher preparation and continuous professional development. He was thus one of the builders of the IREMs (Institutes of Research in Mathematics Education) from 1969, an original university structure in France where professional mathematicians, teachers, mathematics educators and historians work together, and where from the beginning research and practice, as well as research and teacher training, have been tightly connected. He became the first director of the IREM Paris 7 in 1969 and made this IREM a leading institution in the national network. In 1975, he was also one of the builders of the first master and doctorate programs in the didactics of mathematics in France, and strongly supported the institutional acknowledgement of research and researchers in that area at a time most university mathematicians were reluctant to do so. And, even after retiring, he never stopped to be the tireless militant of the cause of mathematics education that he had been all along his career, he never lost his capability of rebelling against positions or curricular decisions that he considered damaging for mathematics education. In 2002, nearly 90, he engaged himself in the creation of a collective called "ActionSciences", grouping teacher associations and academic societies representing the different scientific domains, and acting for mathematics and science education of high quality for all students.

I personally met André Revuz for the first time when I entered the Ecole Normale Supérieure where he was teaching Analysis and Topology. Some years later, as I had been recruited at the mathematics department at the University Paris 7, he proposed me to join the IREM team on a part time basis, and then to organize with two other colleagues the teaching of mathematics in a new experimental elementary school attached to the IREM. This was how I began to engage in research in mathematics education. From that time, he has always supported my research work in that area, encouraged me to prepare a Doctorat d’Etat, and smoothed the way to it. He will remain for me my father in the field, and a person to whom I vow the greatest admiration. I have interviewed him last year on the occasion of the centennial of ICMI and those who understand French can access this interview on the historical website about ICMI (http://www.icmihistory.unito.it/).

Michèle Artigue, President of ICMI, artigue@math.jussieu.fr

3. Two new ICMI Study volumes now available

Two volumes resulting from recent ICMI studies have just become available.

— New ICMI Study Series Vol. 11
"The Professional Education and Development of Teachers of Mathematics : The 15th ICMI Study."
Ruhama Even and Deborah Loewenberg Ball (Eds.)
2009. ISBN : 978-0-387-09600-1

Table of contents :
The preparation of teachers.- Student teachers’ experiences and early years of teaching.- Mathematics educators’ activities and knowledge.- Development of teaching in and from practice.- Processes of learning in and from practice.- Models, tools, and strategies to support learning in and from practice.- Balance of mathematical content and pedagogy.- Key issues for research in the education and professional development of teachers of mathematics.

— New ICMI Study Series Vol. 12
"Challenging Mathematics In and Beyond the Classroom : The 16th ICMI Study."
Edward J. Barbeau and Peter J. Taylor (Eds.)
2009. ISBN : 978-0-387-09602-5

Table of contents :
Challenging problems : Mathematical content and sources.- Presentation of Challenges Beyond the Classroom : Organizational issues.- Challenging Mathematics Beyond the Classroom Enhanced by Technological Environments.- Challenging Tasks and Mathematical Learning : Role of the student.- Mathematics in Context : Focusing on students in challenging environments.- Teacher Development and Mathematical Challenge.- Challenging Mathematics Classroom Practices.- Curriculum and Assessment : Use of Challenges.
More information is available on the NISS homepage http://www.springeronline.com/series/6351.
Individual members of the ICMI community can obtain a substantial discount when purchasing these books for personal use --- see below.

Bernard R. Hodgson, Secretary-General of ICMI, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca

4. Purchasing the NISS volumes : how to obtain the ICMI discount

Since the 1990s, the volumes resulting from the ICMI Studies appear in the "New ICMI Study Series" (NISS), now published by Springer (formerly Kluwer) under the general editorship of the President and Secretary-General of ICMI.

According to the contract between ICMI and Springer, "members of the ICMI community" are entitled to the ICMI Society Discount, namely
— a discount of 60% from the list price on each NISS series hardbound volume, and
— a 25% discount on each softbound volume in the series.
The contract wording has been coined so to be as inclusive as possible, but it is understood that the books thus ordered are for personal use only.

The procedure for obtaining the ICMI society discount is as follows.

i) Orders must be placed personally, on the Springer website, through the NISS series homepage

ii) In order to obtain the society discount granted to ICMI, individuals should enter the respective tokens when asked to during the ordering process, under "SpringerToken / promocode".

iii) The following Token Numbers have been issued by Springer for use by the members of the ICMI community :

Token for Hardbound : zqwqqJQFWzQ8WqY
Token for Softbound : hAjkrckgWFaEYQA
This discount is not available to institutions or when ordering the NISS volumes through a bookstore.
Bernard R. Hodgson, Secretary-General of ICMI, bhodgson@mat.ulaval.ca

5. Latest news about PME Newsletters

A year and a half after the last issue, the International Committee [IC] of PME is pleased to report the revival of PME Newsletters. There will be a special issue in January, and there will be a return to regular issues in May and November.

At their meetings at PME 32 in Morelia (Mexico), the PME IC agreed that the role of PME Newsletters is to respond to the immediate needs of the membership and the organisation. In this respect the new editors will do their best to offer the PME community a dynamic and innovative Newsletter.

Each issue of the PME Newsletter will be no more than eight pages in length and should be prepared in accessible language. The contents of Newsletters might include :
* The following types of articles from the annual conference :
- summaries of the numbers of : papers received, papers accepted, participants, and countries represented
- reactions to plenary sessions
- reflections on activities of Discussion Groups and Working Sessions
- reports from other activities taking place
* Reports of the impact or outcomes of the PME conference (e.g., books, Special issues of journals, workshops etc.).
* Contributions from experts in the PME community about their research and developments in their fields (e.g., short summaries, interviews, etc.).
* Photos etc. of members and/or happenings related to PME activities
* Announcements of what information can be found on the PME website. [It should be noted that the information found on the PME website should not be duplicated in the newsletter]

These topics will be represented together with the main focus of each issue :
January issue : Post conference issue which will include short reports from each PME Portfolio Group (President, Vice-president, Treasury and Secretary) of what has been done in the (past) year.
May issue : Final notification and announcements related to the forthcoming annual conference.
November issue : Brief report from the recently held annual conference

On behalf of the PME IC the editors of the PME Newsletter encourage members of the mathematics education community to contribute to the Newsletters, submitting articles (brief reports, short summaries, news, books, events, etc) of interest to the mathematics education community and/or to PME as an organisation.
Contributions should be submitted to both editors by email : frade.cristina@gmail.com and zwu@nu.edu not later than :
December 28th for the January issue
April 28th for the May issue
October 28th for the November issue
Cristina Frade and Zhonghe Wu, Editors, PME Newsletter

6. Announcement of New Journal and Call for Papers

RIPEM - International Journal for Research in Mathematics Education / RIPEM -Revista Internacional de Pesquisa em Educação Matemática is a new international journal on mathematics education. The goal of RIPEM is to provide a new forum to publish and access high-quality research reports. The papers are expected to report findings from empirical research and literature-based scholarly articles that advance theories and scholarship of Mathematics Education. The journal has an acknowledged Editorial Board, ensuring high academic standards and broad international coverage.

RIPEM is a journal published by the Brazilian Society for Mathematics Education, and it will be published online and free of charge.

Both emerging and established researchers are invited to submit manuscripts to inaugural and future issues. All manuscripts should only be submitted in English. They will be refereed anonymously by at least two referees.

Manuscripts presented in previous conferences could be extended and submitted, as long as the submission provides a clear contribution beyond the conference paper, and the overlap is carefully described in the RIPEM submission.

The website of the journal and its web-based submission system is already open. In order to learn more about the editorial policy and submission guidelines, all researchers are invited to visit this address :


Although we welcome papers at any time, the deadline to submit a manuscript for consideration in the inaugural issue is 5th February 2009. All efforts will be made to ensure that the refereeing and publication processes will be fast in order to launch the inaugural issue before the end of first semester of 2009.

Jonei Cerqueira Barbosa, joneicb@uol.com.br

7. Second Announcement and Call for Papers for Dresden 2009 Conference

The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project & The University of Applied Sciences (FH), Dresden (Germany) announce the 10th (Anniversary !) International Conference : "Models in Developing Mathematics Education" to be held Sep 11-17, 2009 in Dresden, Saxony, Germany in full cooperation with the Saxony Ministry of Education.
International Organisers : Dr. Alan Rogerson, Coordinator of the Mathematics in Society Project (Poland) & Prof. Fayez Mina, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University (Egypt). Chair of the Local Organising Committee : Prof. Dr. Ludwig Paditz of the Dresden University of Applied Sciences.
You are warmly invited to attend and present a paper at the conference in the heart of the historic & beautiful city of Dresden.
The Second Announcement can now be downloaded from http://www.informatik.htw-dresden.de/~paditz/SecondAnnouncementDresden2009.doc
For ALL further conference details and updates please email alan@rogerson.pol.pl .

8. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education : inaugural issue

The Editorial Team of the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME) would like to announce the launching of its inaugural issue. To gain free access to the articles in this issue, just register at http://education.gsu.edu/jume and you can choose to become a part of the JUME community as a reader, author, or reviewer. We look forward to you joining our new family as we explore the bounds of the urban domain in mathematics education.
JUME Editorial Team

In the first Issue :

Illuminating Urban Excellence : A Movement of Change within Mathematics Education, Lou Edward Matthews

Putting the "Urban" in Mathematics Education Scholarship, William F. Tate

Racism, Assessment, and Instructional Practices : Implications for Mathematics Teachers of African American Students, Julius Davis, Danny Bernard Martin
Learning Mathematics in a Borderland Position : Students’ Foregrounds and Intentionality in a Brazilian Favela, Ole Skovsmose, Pedro Paulo Scandiuzzi, Paola Valero, Helle Alro
Math Links : Building Learning Communities in Urban Settings, Jacqueline Leonard, Brian R. Evans
Practices Worthy of Attention : A Search For Existence Proofs of Promising Practitioner Work in Secondary Mathematics, Pamela L. Paek


9. Calendar of Events of Interest to the ICMI Community

3rd international conference to review research on Science, Technology and Mathematics Education
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (TIFR), Mumbai, India, January 5-9, 2009

CERME 6 : Sixth Conference organised by the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
University Lyon 1, France, January 27 - February 1, 2009

3rd International Symposium on Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, 21st-23rd of May, 2009

5th Asian Mathematical Conference
Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 22 - 26, 2009

ICTMT-9 - 9th Int Conf on Technology in Mathematics Teaching
Metz, France, July 6-9, 2009

CIEAEM61 - Commission internationale pour l’étude et l’amélioration de l’enseignement des mathématiques
Université de MONTRÉAL, Montréal, Québec, Canada, July 26-31, 2009

ICTMA 14 - 14th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications
University of Hamburg, Germany, July 27-31, 2009

SEMT ’09 - 10th bi-annual conference on Elementary Mathematics Teaching,
"The development of mathematical understanding"
Prague, August 23-28, 2009

"Models in Developing Mathematics Education"
The Mathematics Education into the 21st Century Project
Dresden, Saxony, Germany, September 11-17, 2009

SRD’09 - Southern Right Delta’09
7th Southern Hemisphere Conference on the Teaching
and Learning of Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics
Gordons Bay, South Africa, 29 November-4 December 2009


There are two ways of subscribing to ICMI News :

1. Click on http://www.mathunion.org/ICMI/Mailinglist with a Web browser
and go to the "Subscribe" button to subscribe to ICMI News online.

2. Send an e-mail to icmi-news-request@mathunion.org with the Subject-line :
Subject : subscribe

In both cases you will get an e-mail to confirm your subscription so
that misuse will be minimized. ICMI will not use the list of ICMI News
addresses for any purpose other than sending ICMI News, and will not
make it available to others.

Previous issues can be seen at :


ICMI-News mailing list