Professor Alain Valette holds the Francqui Chair 2010-2011 at the Department of Mathematics, K.U.Leuven. Alain Valette is a professor of mathematics at the Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and has published numerous books and articles in group theory, functional analysis and geometry.
Inaugural lecture Graphs with large girth
Date : Wednesday, February 16, 2011, at 18h00. The inaugural lecture will be followed by a reception.
Location : KULAK, Auditorium A305, building A, Etienne Sabbelaan 53, Kortrijk. How to get there ?
Registration : We kindly ask you to fill in the registration form if you want to attend the inaugural lecture and reception.
Abstract :
The girth of a graph is the length of the shortest circuit. When a graph is viewed as a communication network, it is often desirable to ask for the largest possible girth, to avoid redundancies. It is easy to see that the girth of a finite regular graph is at most logarithmic in the number of vertices. In 1963, it was proved by Erdös and Sachs, in a non-constructive way, that there exists infinite families of regular graphs (of fixed degree) whose girth is actually logarithmic in the number of vertices. Explicit families were constructed in 1986, independently by Margulis and Lubotzky-Phillips-Sarnak : for every prime p congruent to 1 modulo 4, and every odd prime q, there exists p+1 generators of the group PSL(2,q) such that the corresponding Cayley graph has logarithmic girth in q. We will give a reasonably elementary proof of this fact, based on Jacobi’s 4-square theorem, the arithmetic of integer quaternions, and the structure of the group PSL(2,q). That proof is joined work with G. Davidoff and P. Sarnak.
Francqui lecture series Metric embeddings in Hilbert and Banach spaces
Dates :
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Timing (on each of the four days) :
15h30-16h30 : first lecture
16h30-17h00 : coffee break
17h00-18h00 : second lecture
Location :
K.U.Leuven, Auditorium Computer Science, building A, Celestijnenlaan 200, Heverlee.
How to get there ?
Abstract :
In the last years, there was a remarkable convergence between three seemingly remote fields of mathematics : theoretical computer science, geometry of Banach spaces, K-theory of C*-algebras. The common theme is embeddings of discrete metric spaces into Hilbert or Banach spaces. Learning of techniques from other fields allowed for mutual cross-fertilization, and it is the purpose of this set of lectures to present some recent developments in this fascinating subject.
Francqui Foundation
The Francqui Chair is financed by the Francqui Foundation.
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