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Publié : 26 février 2014

Parution de "The Abel Prize 2008-2012"

Francis Buekenhout nous signale la parution chez Springer de

Francis Buekenhout est l’auteur du chapitre consacré à Jacques Tits.

The Abel Prize 2008-2012

« Details the history of the Abel Prize in mathematics, which is one of the premier international prizes in mathematics

Presents the laureates of the second five year period of the Abel Prize, complete with photographs

Autobiographical information by each laureate, followed by a more extensive review of their work ​

Covering the years 2008-2012, this book profiles the life and work of recent winners of the Abel Prize :

· John G. Thompson and Jacques Tits, 2008
· Mikhail Gromov, 2009
· John T. Tate Jr., 2010
· John W. Milnor, 2011
· Endre Szemerédi, 2012.

The profiles feature autobiographical information as well as a description of each mathematician’s work. In addition, each profile contains a complete bibliography, a curriculum vitae, as well as photos — old and new. As an added feature, interviews with the Laureates are presented on an accompanying web site (http://extras.springer.com/).

The book also presents a history of the Abel Prize written by the historian Kim Helsvig, and includes a facsimile of a letter from Niels Henrik Abel, which is transcribed, translated into English, and placed into historical perspective by Christian Skau.

This book follows on The Abel Prize : 2003-2007, The First Five Years (Springer, 2010), which profiles the work of the first Abel Prize winners. »

- The Abel Prize 2008-2012
- Holden, Helge, Piene, Ragni (Eds.)
- 2014, XVII, 571 p. 72 illus., 43 illus. in color.
- Springer
- https://www.springer.com/mathematics/history+of+mathematics/book/978-3-642-39448-5