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Publié : 20 février 2013

La théorie des graphes sous forme d’intrigues policières, Alain Hertz

Graph Day, Mons, 5 mars 2013

Information transmise par le professeur Jean-Paul Doignon

Subject : GraphDay@Mons / Tue 5 march 2013

Dear colleagues,

Prof. Alain Hertz (Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal) will visit the Algorithms Lab (UMONS) in a few weeks. At this occasion, a "Graph Day" will be organised on tuesday 5 march 2013 at Mons. It will consist in a workshop (during the day) and a conference in the evening. The goal of the workshop is to give the opportunity to exchange ideas about open problems or current works. The idea is to have an informal atmosphere with sufficient time for discussion.

In the evening (8pm), Alain Hertz will give a wide audience conference (in French, see title and abstract below) about one of his favourite subject : how graphs can help to solve detective stories. As you may know, Alain wrote a book called "L’agrapheur", translated in german and in english, on this funny and interesting topic (see http://www.gerad.ca/~alainh ).

Between the workshop and the conference, those of the participants that are interested will dinner in the center of Mons.

The details (schedule and location) will be sent later to interested people. At this time, if you would like to join us, I need only to know if you (and/or colleagues & students) :
- participate to the workshop ;
- would like to give a talk or explain a problem and some questions during the workshop ;
- join for the dinner.

Please forward this mail to colleagues and students that can be interested.

Best wishes,


Titre de l’exposé d’Alain Hertz :

La théorie des graphes sous forme d’intrigues policières

Résumé : La théorie des graphes est une discipline des mathématiques aux applications multiples, que ce soit, par exemple, dans les domaines de la logistique, des télécommunications, ou des problèmes d’horaires. Les graphes constituent ainsi un outil indispensable pour la modélisation d’un grand nombre de situations pratiques qui font partie de notre quotidien. Pour illustrer ces propos, je vais tenter de démontrer l’utilité des graphes en demandant votre participation lors de la résolution d’intrigues policières.

- Prof. Hadrien Mélot
- Algorithms Lab - UMONS
- http://informatique.umons.ac.be/algo