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Publié : 27 décembre 2011

ICMI News 20b : December 2011

- ICMI News 20b : December 2011
- A Bimonthly Email Newsletter from the ICMI-International Commission on
Mathematical Instruction

- Editor : Jaime Carvalho e Silva, Dep. Matematica, Universidade de Coimbra,

Special issue on the POSTERS of ICME-12

Posters deadline extended

The deadline for the proposal submission of Poster was prolonged until
December 31, 2011 in order to give ICME-12 potential participants more
chance to submit Poster proposals. Originally the deadline was December
15, 2011. Date of proposal acceptance notification is same as January 15,
2012. If you have any question, please feel free to contact the IPC chair

A wide array of topics and initiatives in mathematics education research
or practice are possible themes for poster presentations at ICME-12.
Posters may be presented in any of the four languages : English, Korean,
Chinese and Japanese.

The exhibition space for posters can accommodate several hundred posters,
will be highly accessible and well-located in central areas of the
Congress activity. Posters will be on display for two or more days of the
Congress. Time slots will be allocated for presentations and authors must
choose one of the two modes of presentation, either oral presentation or
Round Table Discussion. Round Table Discussions will be listed in the
final program for ICME-12. The IPC will appoint experienced mathematics
educators to chair the Round Table Discussions.

The posters and the presentations will be grouped, as far as possible,
according to language and according to the themes of the 37 Topic Study
Groups. Although this is optional, authors are invited to indicate the
Topic Study Group that their poster most closely relates to. Posters
connected to Topic Study Groups will potentially have the benefit of an
audience related to the TSG.

Information about the size and format of posters will be given when a
poster has been accepted, and will be posted on the ’Poster Presentations’
webpage. Presenters should use a font of at least 24 points so as to make
the posters readable at a distance of 1.5 meters. Poster presenters should
consider using both textual and visual means of presentation in their
posters. The congress will not be able to provide poster supplies or
material on site beyond space, and adhesive tape.

Authors proposing to present posters need to complete an online form,
submit an abstract of the poster written in text form of 300 to 500 words
and include a title and keywords before 15th December 2011. The abstracts
need to be in English even if the poster is to be presented in another

- Deadline Summary
- December 31, 2011 On-line submission of proposal
- January 15, 2012 Notification of acceptance
- April 10, 2012 On-line submission of final draft

Other items of interest about ICME-12

Grants for delegates from non-affluent countries
One of the aims of the ICME congresses is to have a balanced
representation from all over the world among the presenters as well as
among the general participants. In order to achieve this goal ICMI has
instigated a general policy of forming a solidarity fund established by
setting aside 10% of the registration fees for grants. These grants assist
delegates from non-affluent countries to attend the ICMEs.

An autonomous and anonymous Grants Committee, appointed by the ICMI
Executive Committee, will distribute the funds amongst the successful
applicants. Priority will be given to applicants from non-affluent
countries who contribute to the scientific program and to participants who
are expected to be the only representative from their part of the world.

Grants will be given as partial support to registration fee,
accommodation, meals and/or travel costs. All potential applicants are
advised to apply for funding from other sources as well

Application for an ICME-12 grant
Participants who consider themselves eligible for an ICME-12 grant are
encouraged to send a grant application to the Grants Committee, if access
to the Internet is available. Applications should be sent as soon as
possible so that they are received no later than February 15, 2012. Please
write to :

- Professor Hyun Yong Shin
- Chair of LOC of the ICME-12
- Department of Mathematics Education
- Korea National University of Education
- Cheong-Won, Chungbuk,
363-791 Korea

The Registration System is open !
- The Registration system for ICME-12 is already open. Please visit the
first page of the Congress website


and read the direction for the registration carefully. Then, please login
with your ID and Password to initiate the sign-up process.

Mathematical Carnival
- As a part of the program directed towards children and a general public,
the LOC of ICME-12 will arrange a mathematical carnival during the
conference days of ICME-12. The idea is that this will attract local
families, teachers and families of participants as a welcoming way to
experience mathematical activities. The carnival will be operated in D1
Hall located at the very center of the COEX. The carnival will be six
categories. One of them is :

Mathematical Show with Puzzles, Games and Magic
- The LOC invites teachers from all countries to contribute and participate
in this show program. This program includes activities that have been
tried out with students in class, at mathematics fairs or other events
aimed at engaging children in active participation. In this way we,
mathematics educators, will also have a chance to show how outdoor
activities might be used as a tool for learning mathematics while having


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1. Click on http://www.mathunion.org/index.php?id=674 with a Web browser
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2. Send an e-mail to icmi-news-request@mathunion.org with the Subject-line :
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In both cases you will get an e-mail to confirm your subscription so
that misuse will be minimized. ICMI will not use the list of ICMI News
addresses for any purpose other than sending ICMI News, and will not
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Previous issues can be seen at :


- ICMI-News mailing list
- ICMI-News@mathunion.org
- http://www.mathunion.org/mailman/listinfo/icmi-news